High-waisted pleat-front trousers are having a real moment lately and the style is showing no signs of fading out. These Vikisews Adeline trousers are right on-trend. They’re roomy around the hip and thigh, then they taper a little towards the hemline. After making the Tatjana trousers I was keen to try something similar so I decided to give these a go.
[AD Gifted Pattern]***PS….if you feel like purchasing a pattern to try for yourself you can use my discount code of 20DIANE for 20% off on first purchases and you need to make an account and make sure you’re logged in to use it. It can also be used in conjunction with other offers, yay!… Thank you for supporting me if you do as it’s an affiliate code)***
Again, for this pleat-fronted style, I used the same classic capsule suiting fabric from Clothspot (I have two more colours in my stash) that I used for my Tatjanas and also for my button-detailed slim pants. I thought the lovely drapeyness would be perfect for the Adelines and I was right. It’s so nice to sew up.
Ok, let’s talk pattern sizing…Vikisews have lots of great advice on their website about choosing your size. Each pattern has full details about how much is added to the design. I studied the ease and sizing chart and as this pattern has a lot of added ease I decided to size down and also reduce the pleat intake; this was easy as my waist is bigger in proportion to my hips so just by taking less in the pleats but leaving the added fabric width gave me the extra waist and tummy room.
My other pattern adjustments were to straighten the front crotch curve quite a bit, to scoop out the back crotch curve and to straighten the centre-back seam a little for my flat bottom. I also had to take some off the overall rise. Actually, talking of the rise, I think these are designed to be overall quite a long rise so if you aren’t happy about the looseness and length I recommend that you check this before cutting out just in case they turn out much too high in the waistline or a bit dropped in the crotch.
As is always the case with Vikisews patterns the instructions were fabulous. They are very detailed about pattern prep, where the stabilizing tape should be added, when to fit, where to ease etc. I thoroughly enjoyed the sewing process.
I like how the fly front zip is constructed and the pockets lie nice and flat. Here are a few detailed photos ‘cos I know how much you enjoy seeing the inner guts (though I didn’t do any fancy bindings this time) 🙂

I like how these trousers look with my little short leopard wool jacket and also my RTW cream puffer. As always I’ll most likely wear an ankle boot because the extra heel height evens out my shorter leg-to-body proportions which I’m being more and more mindful of lately.

Thanks for stopping by to read. Your support and comments mean the world to me. I’ll hopefully see you soon and I’m about to start making a sweatshirt (now there’s a sentence I thought I’d never write!). I had always sworn off sweatshirts because I’ve never liked the look of them but believe it or not I’ve actually found a style that suits my fit and shape criteria so stay tuned!

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Hi Diane, these look spot on! I’m looking for a good pleat front, loose pant pattern.
Can you please clarify for me, as I’m having a heck of a time fitting pants? When you say “scoop out”, do you mean essentially take a larger seam? When you straighten the front crotch curve, do you are add to the side fronts what you removed? I saw directions to do that to prevent the front from pulling. Where on the center front do you start straightening? I have a defined waist, but same upper hip and widest hip measurements due to flat upper hip and bit of tummy. Thanks, all hints appreciated.
Hi Heather. Thank you, glad you like them. Ooh, right…it’s hard to explain in words exactly what I mean by scooping and straightening the back and front…maybe I need to do it with a diagram. I’ll email you tomorrow if that’s ok?
Sure, any help is much appreciated!😊😊
No worries. Already sent it.
Gorgeous job, Diane. All of your alterations make for a great classic trouser!
What do you thinkabout the Classic Capsule suiting? I checked out its fiber content, which is roughly 80% polyester/20% rayon: does it wash well long-term, ie, no fuzzing or pilling? Keep its body?
Thank you, Joan! I’ve worn my slim button detail trousers made in the CC suiting the most, though they haven’t been washed a tone of times I found that so far they have held up well. I don’t think there’s any pilling and they seem to hold shape quite well with very little to no bagging at the knee or bottom area.
Such elegant trousers. I do love front pleats and these are nice with the drape.
So glad you like them. Thanks, Sue!
Wow! Those are beautiful. A really classic design perfectly executed.
Thanks ever so much, Catherine!
As always, a very instructive post. Thanks for all the work 🙂
Thank you so much Solène.