Product Gifting Policy (for brands)

T’s and C’s for offers of gifted items.

If you would like to offer me a free product or service (“product gifting”), my Product Gifting Policy is as follows:

  • I reserve the right to decide if and when to feature a gifted product or service in a blog post or on my social media platforms. By sending the items to me you agree that I am under no obligation.
  • I may or may not post about the item in whatever context (blog or social media) I deem appropriate and within my own timeframe.
  • A collaboration that requires guaranteed blog/social media exposure (or other requests like specific links) is considered sponsored content and therefore chargeable. Please contact me for rates:
  • All gifted items will be clearly disclosed and marked as ‘Gifted’ in blog posts or social media.
  • Any links included in a blog post will be “no follow” in accordance with Google’s guidelines about paid links, whether “payment” was via a gifted item/service or monetary compensation.
  • By sending items to me you agree that any returns of unsuitable items will be at your own expense.
  • If gifted products sent without warning or prior consent the above terms still apply.

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