Life Update And The Largo Cargo Trousers

The Largo Cargo Trousers

Well, where to begin? I can’t believe it’s been about six months since I posted here, so I have a bit of a life update and the Largo Cargo trousers by Love Notions Patterns to share with you.

As you know from my January 1st recap post, I suffered Osteoporosis compression fractures in my spine a week before last Christmas. Well, I healed pretty well though it took nearly 3 months and even now I still get aches and pains if I do too much. I finally got my Dexa scan results and apparently, the Osteoporosis is pretty bad. I’m still waiting to speak to the rheumatologist about possible medication and in the meantime I’m doing all the right things with diet, the right supplements and some regular weight-bearing exercises.

Anyway, April came around and I had already been sewing (new bras) and my sewjo was returning properly, I was ready to start blogging again. But life had other plans… On April the 26th I got the telephone call I was dreading… my 95-year-old mum became very ill very fast. She phoned me at 9 pm in a lot of pain asking me to go to her. We were rushed by ambulance to the hospital and by 4 am my beloved mum, had sadly passed away. We were incredibly close, so you can imagine just how difficult these last few weeks have been.

After the initial funeral arranging and necessary paperwork, I had the sad task of sorting out, cleaning and putting Mum’s house up for sale so I barely had a minute to myself until these last two weeks when we had a few days away in Wales and I did a bit of sewing. And getting back to sewing has been nice, cathartic really. So maybe I should tell you about these trousers eh?

The Largo Cargo Trousers

I had my eye on the Largo pattern by Love Notions since it was released last year and I bought the pattern pretty quickly after release. There’s a grown-on faced waistline, large patch pockets and the option to mix and match which pockets you add. I sewed a size 8 with extra width added at the waistline by straightening the back crotch curve where I need more of an ‘L’ shaped curve for my flat bottom. I also straightened the front curve a bit too.

My fabric is a drapey textured polyester from Croft Mill. It was nice to sew and it doesn’t crease at all. It’s also very lightweight, so perfect for Summer trousers.

The instructions for sewing in the zip were great to follow and although in a slightly different order to what I’m used to, I found it a satisfying process. Having made a quick mock-up of one leg I knew the overall fit was good so I could enjoy this project and just get in ‘the zone’ at my sewing machine.

Here are a couple of close-ups of the pocket and zip area. The faced waistline is a nice clean finish and I love how a belt looks with it.

The Largo Cargo Trousers
The Largo Cargo Trousers

And here’s how they look from the back:

The Largo Cargo Trousers

They’re extremely comfortable and in this neutral beige, they go with absolutely everything in my wardrobe. I love a hardworking garment, don’t you?

The Largo Cargo Trousers
The Largo Cargo Trousers

And remember I mentioned I’ve sewn some bras, here are a couple of them. The top set uses the free Maya pattern by AFI Atelier and the Red and yellow one uses the Exquisite pattern also by AFI Atelier. It’s so nice to have finally perfected the fit of a bra pattern so that I can make a drawerful of new undies.

And finally, as I was sorting through Mum’s clothes I came across this amazing coat that she knitted on a Passap knitting machine about 20 or so years ago. It’s amazing! I tried it on and it’s too big for me, so I’m planning to size it down a bit so that I can wear it myself. I remember very vividly when she made it so it’ll be a lovely reminder of her when I wear it. Like wearing a hug 🙂

And with that, I’ll say goodbye and see you soon. I hope it won’t be too long until my next post, I do have something else new to share

Diane signature

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  1. July 5, 2024 / 8:36 pm

    So sorry to hear about your beloved mum, but what a lovely way to remember her by wearing the coat she made.

    The cargoes are great, they look very versatile. Well done on perfecting the bra fit, I gave up when I tried it!

    • Diane
      July 6, 2024 / 10:25 am

      Thank you so much Helen. Yes, that coat is lovely. I don’t really wear black but quite a few of the colours in it suit me so I think paired wirh the right things it will work well.
      Glad you like the cargos 🙂 as for bra fitting…well I too gave up about 3 years ago but then I came across website called Hugs For Your Jugs and the blogs posts are very useful. They really helped me understand which patterns to try for my shape and about wire spring.

  2. Rebecca Howard
    July 5, 2024 / 10:53 pm

    So sorry to hear about your Mum. The news we all know is coming but dread to hear. It’s so lovely that you have her coat to wear. My Mum has lots of clothes that I have made her over the past few years. I guess they will come to me eventually. I might need to start changing her colour palette!
    Your trousers look fabulous. I’ve never used a grown on waistband like that but I think I might give it a go. Also the alterations you made to the crotch are perfect. They fit beautifully. I’m inspired 🙂

    • Diane
      July 6, 2024 / 10:29 am

      Thank you Rebecca, that’s so kind. Your comment about changing your mum’s colour palette made me smile because I think that quite a few of the colours in the knit coat are atypical of mum’s cool shades, particularly the olive and brown. I don’t wear much black but some of the other colours in the coat suit me.
      Glad you like the cargos. I’m really pleased with how the fit turned out too 🙂

  3. Sandy
    July 6, 2024 / 1:11 am

    Diane, I am so sorry for your loss! How wonderful that you had such a close relationship with your mum! She will always be with you through your good memories. The coat is beautiful! Wear it and feel your mum’s love.

    • Diane
      July 6, 2024 / 10:29 am

      Aww, thank you Sandy. I will xx

    • Roswyn Glenny
      July 6, 2024 / 9:51 pm

      You have been missed, lots. I am so sorry to hear you have lost your precious mum. I lost mine over 40 years ago, but you know what – not a day goes by when she does not pop into my head for some reason, might be to remind me of something, or tell me I have not finished a seam off properly, no matter what, she is there, always with love and advice. Take comfort from that. So glad you had such a wonderful relationship. Your trousers are wonderful, I do love a grown on waistband, they look so perfect. Just about to make another paid of trousers so there’s a thought. So glad you are coming to grips with your health problems, finding a way through takes time, I know as long as I can sew it does help mentally. Good luck with all you do Diane, so glad to have you back. Roswyn

      • Diane
        July 7, 2024 / 9:52 am

        Lovely to hear from you Roswyn 🙂 I can easily believe that you think about your mum even after all the time that’s passed and I’m sure I’ll be hearing my mum’s reminders too. Glad you like my new trousers. I enjoyed sewing that grown on band and as long as you follow the sewing order with the zip it all aligns nicely.

    • Lynne Beiler
      July 7, 2024 / 9:25 pm

      Sending sympathy and warm greetings from New Jersey, USA.
      Thank you for all your posts. (PS your pants are exquisitely made and fit you like a dream. Really appreciate your inspiration.) Lynne

      • Diane
        July 8, 2024 / 9:28 am

        That’s really kind of you Lynne, thank you xx
        Glad you like my new make 🙂

  4. Averyclaire
    July 6, 2024 / 11:50 am

    It is SO nice to see you back. Perfect pants! And beautiful lingerie! Love the sweater coat! Look forward to more posts. You do exquisite work.
    Health problems are terrible trials and squeeze the get up and go out of everyone! So glad you are better even though you have to deal with the long term. And love and peace to you in losing your Mom. I lost mine 26 years ago and still miss her every day. Hugs. 💐💕

    • Diane
      July 6, 2024 / 12:09 pm

      Ohhh, what a lovely comment Claire! It’s so nice to be back after a tough 6 months and nice to get back to creating I know mum would be pleased to see me sewing xx

  5. Elizabeth
    July 6, 2024 / 4:47 pm

    Hello Diane Its great to have you back. I’m so sorry for your loss. As you say sewing is cathartic and your mum would be pleased to see you back sewing again as she was a creative person herself. I too have a Passap machine and recognise the coat pattern. It is an adaption of a jacket pattern that appeared in a Rowan Passap pattern book. Your mum was must have been a very talented knitter. Enjoy wearing the coat and thinking of your mum.
    The cargo trousers are great especially with the grown on waistband presumably there are no darts in the fronts.
    As for bra making that’s something on my list to try. I will have a look at the patterns and website you mention.
    Take care

    • Diane
      July 6, 2024 / 7:51 pm

      Thank you Elizabeth, it’s good to be back 🙂 How fab that you have a Passap too! You’re absolutely right the coat is from from a Rowan book and all the yarn is Rowan too. By the way I used to use mum’s Passap machine as well and then I got a Pfaff version of the machine which I used a lot before I got married. I’ve retrieved the Pfaff from mum’s house and it’s in several parts at the moment for transport but I plan to put it back together when I can work out how to create the space for it in my sewing room.
      Oh and yes, there are no darts in the front of the Largo Cargos but there are two at the back.

  6. Chris
    July 6, 2024 / 6:55 pm

    Great to see you back as I have missed all your beautiful inspirational makes so its lovely to see the latest terrific pants. Sorry to hear about the loss of your dear Mum but that beautiful coat will be a lovely reminder of the happy times you shared. As to the osteoporosis, its so important to keep up the body maintenance of weight bearing exercises together with meds and calcium in whatever form is advised. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis a year ago and have been following this regime. We just have to keep doing otherwise we will not be able to do all the things we enjoy.

    • Diane
      July 6, 2024 / 7:59 pm

      Thanks for the kind words Chris. Sorry to hear you’re an osteoporosis sufferer too. I Started to do some regular weightbearing exercise as soon as I felt healed enough and I’m supplementing with a D3/K2/Magnesium blend plus Calcium Citrate as well as this Collagen Peptide every day: It’s a medical grade food supplement and quite expensive but the benefits sound really good. I’m also eating protein at every meal and much less sugar. Like you I’m determined to be able to stay active and get stronger.

  7. Denise
    July 6, 2024 / 8:54 pm

    Hi Diane – lovely to see you back – I’ll have to take a look at those trousers on the love notions website! I lost my mum in January (I spent Christmas Eve with her in a&e). She had early dementia but declined rapidly after a fall and tbh it’s an odd kind of relief to not have to watch her forget us and everything else. Your mum’s knitted coat is absolutely glorious and hopefully you will be wearing it soon in her memory xx

    • Diane
      July 7, 2024 / 9:48 am

      Oh Denise, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss too. Dementia is, from what I’ve heard, a horrible slow loss of a loved one but ultimately losing them is still a shock and hard to comprehend. I’ll definitely be remembering my mum when I wear her coat and I hop you have some lovely memories of your mum too. XX

  8. Heather in Colorado
    July 7, 2024 / 12:41 am

    Goodness Diane, you’ve had a tough year! I’m sad to hear about your mum. It is so nice to hear you are feeling better and getting some sewing done, and everything looks lovely as usual.😊

    • Diane
      July 7, 2024 / 9:56 am

      Hi Heather! Yes, it has been a tough one for sure. I feel like I’m seeing the end of the tunnel now though and getting back to sewing is lovely.

  9. July 7, 2024 / 12:52 am

    It’s so lovely to read another post. My mum was 95 when she died too, and we need to be grateful that they had such long lives, but I know how hard it is. Her coat is wonderful so enjoy it. Take care Diane. X

    • Diane
      July 7, 2024 / 9:59 am

      Thank you so much Sue. I remember you losing your mum and as you say, even though they had a long life the loss is still profound. I’m making the most of all the good memories though xx

  10. Cath Clarke
    July 7, 2024 / 6:19 am

    Missed your posts, as I always receive inspiration for my sewing after reading them. Glad you are ” back.” So sad to hear about your osteoporosis and factures, good on you for getting on to looking after yourself and that you are navigating life with out your mum. May your journey of grief give you wisdom and strength. Love that your sewing is helping your heart and mind and spirit restore. Looking forward to seeing your mum’s coat – Mark II as it were. God Bless you.

    • Diane
      July 7, 2024 / 10:03 am

      Ohhh, thanks Cath, it’s lovely to hear that you feel inspired after reading my posts :). I really do feel restored after spending time creating xxx

  11. Joan
    July 7, 2024 / 2:37 pm

    Hi Diane,
    It’s wonderful to hear from you, despite all that life has thrown your way over the past half-year. I am so very sorry to hear about your mother’s passing.

    I’m glad that sewing has been a respite for you. When I lost my mom 10 years ago, I allowed myself to stew and veg-out and quickly gained 10 pounds…

    I love your new drapey trousers with, I think, what we call in the U.S., a cut-on waistband. I will check out your nice fabric!

    Please let us know what the rheumatologist says: many women your age and older are fighting bone loss, and discussion/sharing is so helpful.

    • Diane
      July 7, 2024 / 4:29 pm

      Thanks for the kind words Joan. Glad you like my new trousers, they’re very comfy 🙂
      Yea…Life has definitely challenging these last months and actually I’ve also gained a couple of extra pesky pounds but I’m working on losing them again.
      I’ll definitely keep you posted about what the rheumatologist says (hopefully they won’t move my apointment back again). It’s so important to share about something that so many women suffer with. We need to keep the discussion going.

  12. Lodi
    July 8, 2024 / 11:55 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss Diane. It sounds like you’re doing extremely well with all your necessary “to dos”, and getting back to sewing a truly lovely pair of trousers.

    To combat sadness after my mother died I wrote down “forgotten memories” – such as the look on her face when my little cousin drank our gold fish. (Shush, don’t tell anyone. ) We are all thinking of you.

    • Diane
      July 9, 2024 / 10:21 am

      Thank you so much xx. Ahhh, that’s a lovely idea to write down forgotten memories and your gave me a little chuckle 🙂

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