Hi, Lovelies. So today I want to show you my November BurdaStyle Influencer project…the funnel neck top from April 2014 (111 04/2014).
(Note: I was g
Wow, do you realise I just typed the word November up above and can you believe that we are already halfway through! Before we know it Christmas will be around the corner…uh, oh, I just mentioned the C word…
Anyway…back to the reason I’m writing this post, namely my funnel neck top. Well, firstly, let’s talk a bit about the pattern. There are literally only 3 pieces. Yes, that’s right, just 3. The front and back are cut as one with the fold all down the left-hand side. The big collar is grown on as one with the front and back, and the two sleeves are cut using the same pattern with just the difference of the left sleeve having no sleeve cap. Here’s a diagram showing the pattern shapes. Strange eh?

On the folded edge down the left side, a horizontal slit is made and reinforced. This is where you sew the left sleeve in. It results in the look of a dropped shoulder line and creates a nice looking asymmetry to the sweater design which is rather cool I think.

Now, on the BurdaStyle website, the photo shows the model wearing the sweater made up in a fine and lightweight jersey that looks very drapey. The fabric is the same colour on both right and wrong side. Well… just to be awkward (aren’t I always?)..my fabric, although it drapes beautifully, has a definite wrong side which is white. The way that the collar design falls means that the wrong side shows and I didn’t want that to be the case when I wore my sweater, so, of course, I had to get creative (no change there then eh?) and so I made my collar double thickness.

In order to get the collar double thickness (and thereby, extra cosy for Winter) I had to grow on the collar length even more. In fact, I had to add the same length again. This resulted in an even weirder looking pattern shape than I started with!
Where the collar extension came down on the inside at the front, I actually had to curve it down even more, to ensure none of the wrong sides of the fabric showed as the collar flopped down at the front when I wore it. You can see the shape that cut on the next photo. I finished the raw edge with a row of overlocking and just lightly hand stitched the end of the collar in place to the wrong side of the body fabric.
My sweater was actually an incredibly fast make and it literally took me about an hour and a half (and I’m not the speediest of sewers). I did most of the sewing using a narrow zigzag stitch and a walking foot. Then I overlocked each seam.
I did encounter one small fit issue though and that was concerning the left armhole. I had basted the sleeve in place for a try on and what I found was that it felt as though the end of the front slit area was binding and digging into my upper arm. I felt like the length of the slit needed to be biased towards the front.
I ended up making the slit one inch longer at the front end only. After doing this I also felt as though the body was a little too wide at the underarm. To remedy this I took in a bit down the side where the fold was. This turned out to be about the same amount that I made the slit longer by, so it all balanced out in the end. Because of my changes to the armhole, I had to fudge the setting in of the sleeve a bit, but it all came together ok in the end and the resulting fit feels fine and very comfy.

My cuddly olive and ivory sweater is in fact really, really comfy and feels amazing next to my skin. My favourite part is, of course, the dramatic collar that I can almost wear as a hood 🙂 PS…I made another Burda top with an equally fab collar here
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that the fabric I used came from La Finch Fabrics (in the US) Well, it was actually a prize that I won during an Instagram photo challenge at the beginning of this year. I forget which challenge it was…hmm…it may have been Sew April…anyway, it’s a lovely poly blend sweater knit and is as soft as soft can be. The wrong side is amazingly lovely against my skin.
All in all, I’m super pleased with this BurdaStyle pattern and I’m actually planning on making it again. I have some really smooth, fine and lightweight jersey in a duck egg/teal colour. It even looks a bit like the original fabric used on the model on the Burda website, plus it would drape in the same way, so will be perfect for it. I hope to make it up after Christmas (oops…used the C word again!).

Well, thanks for stopping by again and reading my ramblings. It means a lot to me. Oh, and don’t forget to drop me a comment and let me know what you think. Would you like to try this pattern?
And on that note…I’ll see you soon!


What a fabulous top. Love how you made this pattern work for you and your fabric. Is this going to be part of your new closet philosophy? If so, it looks wonderful.
Thanks so much Chris! Well I didn’t set out specifically for this look to fit in with my new closet philosophy of neutrals and contrast etc, but it feels so ‘me’ and I love it. When I styled my sweater for the photos I knew instinctively it had to be light jeans with it…hence the contrast
Interesting pattern and cute sweater!
Thanks Faye! xx
Diane, I have the same issue with Bloglovin and it’s so frustrating. My last two posts didn’t appear either. This happened a few times last year and I didn’t really get anywhere with their Helpdesk person (she didn’t really seem to understand the issue), but then all of a sudden it seemed to get better… until recently. I haven’t seen anyone else mention it, so even though I can’t really help you, I’m glad it’s not just me in a way. I was going a little mad trying all sorts of things to see if I could fix it. Fingers crossed they fix it soon!! PS. Lovely sweater too!! 😀
Thanks so much, Claire xx. Oh, I’m sorry to hear of your Bloglovin’ issues too. I’ve emailed so many times, I’m getting sick of it. You could try letting some of your followers know on Bloglovin by posting directly under your profile as I have…it’s not foolproof though as not everyone follows both the user as well as their blog, but at least you can let a few know about your posts.
Hi Claire
I’ve added your blogsite to my wordpress feed and it loads fine there. Bloglovin is seriously idiosyncratic as to whether it loads posts.
Diane sorry
Thanks, Karey :). I agree, I think Bloglovin’ has some serious tech issues lately.
That is a seriously interesting top but so lovely in the end! I’d wear those colors in a heartbeat.
Thank you so much!
I like your version better than the Burda original! I think doubling the collar and the small arm adjustments helps it hang better.
Thanks, Catherine!
Lovely sweater Diane. Anything with a nice collar like that is my go to in winter! Just an FYI, Your posts show up in my wordpress reader so all is fine there.
Thanks, Linda. Yup, you can’t beat a lovely sweater collar.
Good to know about WP reader, thanks. I’m still waiting for a reply from Bloglovin’ support though and still no posts showing up. We’re heading to two weeks now…not too impressed.
It looks great! Scary pattern pieces!
I do get your posts via Bloglovin too but I’ll go check that I’ve had them all (not sure about the weekly)
Thanks Anne. They are a bit scary aren’t they? On first look, I did a double take and thought whaaaat? But then carefully read the instructions and all became clear. Anne, if you go to my blog profile within Bloglovin’ you won’t see this post and the previous one 🙁 And I still haven’t heard back from Bloglovin’ support …grrrr!
Diane, great looking top/sweater. The collar is fabulous.
Thanks so much Cennetta!
Super cute and lovely top that looks fun to wear. Sometimes those crazy Burda patterns are the most fun?! Hope the Bloglovin problems get resolved soon. 🙂
Thanks, Lisa. Gotta love those crazy Burda patterns.
Re-Bloglovin’, well, it’s partly resolved in that posts are showing up slowly and two were missed out totally!