I just had to do a 2017 year-end wrap-up post, didn’t I? I know it’s a cliche, but I rather like these posts for the way they help underline what we’ve accomplished and to think of how to progress.
2017 was the year I decided to start a blog. It all began in late 2016 when a seed of an idea started germinating in my brain. Was I on level 4 of dream state? Had someone else planted that thought? (if you’ve ever watched “Inception” starring Leonardo Di Caprio, you’ll understand my references….) And would I suddenly wake up with a jolt in Limbo?
Anyway, try as I might I couldn’t ignore that idea and so in January, I started to build my website, and it went live later that month. It was a huge learning curve…Huge, I tell you! I had never done anything very techie like that before and starting from scratch, designing and getting everything to look good and working properly caused me lots of headaches, and several sleepless nights. But, I’m glad I achieved it and I feel proud of myself for learning something new. In fact, I’ve moved on even further since starting, when I changed website provider platform in November and moved over to WordPress. My blog was also refreshed with a new template too. I’m fully embracing the technical stuff now. What a difference a few months makes!
I’ve really enjoyed the process of starting to write a blog. I’m the first to admit that I’m not a natural writer though and I sometimes spend many a long hour drafting posts, procrastinating and thinking of what to write, but for the most part it’s fun and it’s really getting my brain working in new and different ways. Also, I now have huge newfound respect for anyone that writes!
Looking Back:
In a true end-of-year wrap-up fashion though, I thought I would have a fun little mini-retrospective based on my posts for a quick round-up list. So without further ado let’s get going…
- Favourite blog post…it has to be the first ever post in which I posed for proper blog photos,
- The tutorial I’m most pleased and proud of: My concealed zip method using a standard zipper foot
- Favourite photograph ‘without’ Bilbo (AKA sewing room buddy) From my ballgown post
- Favourite photo ‘with’ Bilbo
- The blog post on which I faffed the most…this one that you’re reading! Blame it on post-Christmas brain mush!
- Best blog related experience …photoshoot for Love Sewing magazine
- The garment that caused the most swearing…My red Christmas dress…that zip!
New Year…New Plans:
Of course, we can’t continually look back though, can we? Time moves on and the New Year is imminent. I’m not going to reel off a whole load of resolutions though because I’ve never kept to one in my life! Have you? Well, maybe this blog was the only kind of resolution that I did keep :). What I will do is to mention a few of the projects that I’d like to get going on once we roll into 2018…
In no particular order here are some sewing and/or blog related things on my list.
- Make a Vivienne Westwood copy tartan jacket that I had cut out early in 2017.
- Finish the tweed skirt and sweater that I started before Christmas.
- Sort my fabric stash and donate some pieces that I know I won’t sew.
- Try to plan my blog posts and be consistent in posting
- Continue to learn Lightroom for my photographs
- Sew a drape front unlined coat that I have planned before the Winter ends.
- Try to focus on one thing at a time instead of not paying attention whilst a million and one things run through my mind.
- Last but not least…quite a biggie…I’ve signed up for RTW Fast 2018. Hosted by lovely Sarah Gunn of Goodbye Valentino blog, it’s a year-long vow to abstain from buying RTW and making everything yourself with the exception of undies and shoes, socks, handbags and belts. Full details are here and there may still be time to sign up too if you want. I’ve been pretty much RTW free for the last 18 months or more, so it won’t be much of a stretch for me hopefully, so wish me luck!
For starters, my list seems pretty doable, though it’s the tip of the iceberg really, as I have a lot of other sewing projects that I could have listed too…time will tell though eh?
Do you plan much for the New Year? Are you someone that makes resolutions or do you prefer not to? And have you got a massive list of sewing to do like me…No, wait, you don’t need to answer that last question as I already know the answer, lol!
I think I’ll ease myself slowly into things anyway and finish my skirt and sweater first. Maybe I should wait until the last of the Christmas chocolates have gone before I fit the waist though!
Well, it just remains for me to say Happy New Year to you and to say thank you for stopping by to read my blog posts. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Xx
See you soon!
I started a sewing blog in 2016 too. It wasn’t the big learning curve for me because I’ve been operating web sites for 20 years so the technology wasn’t a big leap but the remembering to take photos while my projects are in progress was! Once I’m in the sewing zone I’m not thinking “photos”! I’ve joined the RTW fast too! Have you joined our fb group yet? You should if you haven’t yet – it’s already been a lot of fun 🙂 My other goals which are a little lofty (but aren’t goals supposed to be?) include fabric and pattern fasts on top of the RTW fast because I just have way too much of each. If I sewed steady the rest of my life (I’m 63) I doubt I would wear all that fabric or use up all the patterns I have especially when I include all those that come in all the books I have too! So no RTW, no fabric or patterns – for goals I want to sew outwear (coat, cape, sweaters) and woven pants. I can do leggings and other knit pants fine but those woven ones for fit are elusive 🙂 All the best for 2018 to you!
Hi Kathleen. Oh me too…it is tricky to remember to take pictures when engrossed in a sewing project. Something else I need to add to my list of things to do for 2018.
Yes, I have joined the FB group for the RTW fast (signed up as Diane Gee). I keep dipping in and reading all of the comments. Great fun! I’ll look out for you 🙂 I love the sound of your plans. Coats and woven pants are always the trickiest eh? But so worth the challenge. If you manage to just use stuff from your stash…even better. How’s your willpower? I’m afraid I get tempted by fabrics to easily to pledge that I won’t buy…
Happy New Year to you too!
I am so looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful work in 2018!
That’s a lovely thing to say. Thank you, Faye!
I’ve joined the RTW fast too. And like Physicsewerkathleen I hope also to not buy any fabric or patterns. However I won’t hold myself to that if I really love something. Glad you started a blog in 2017 and I will be following along in 2018. Happy New Year.
Ooh, good luck with your RTW fast Vicki. And thank ‘you’ for following along with me on my blog too xx. Happy New Year!
Good luck Diane, I will be watching with interest. I certainly could not do a fast because at times my sewing mojo just disappears, particularly when there is an event or something coming up and I need something to wear and then of course I am prone to procrastination. Oh well at least I know my limitations and I can admire your boundless energy and creativity instead.
Thanks so much for the validation Chris…I’m not sure I have quite the boundless energy…we’ll see…hehe. I also succumb to procrastination a fair bit, but will try hard to keep it in check for 2018. Happy New Year!
I’m looking forward to seeing more of your fabulous makes in 2018! I love reading end of the year posts, and find it inspiring to read goals too and you’re goals have helped me to figure out my own for my upcoming end of the year blog post. I’m joining the RTW fast as well as I pretty much did that last year anyway. I have so much Fabric…I’m hoping the fast helps me to focus! Best wishes for a great 2018, I’ll be following along!
Ahh, so glad you found my post inspiring Linda. I can’t wait to read about your goals for 2108. How fab that you’re doing the RTW Fast too. Yes, like you I was pretty much already there so hopefully, I’ll manage the full year. I’m sure you’ll enjoy using up your stash. As will I.
Classy lady, classy blog. I like the fact that you have something constructive to report each time you write a post. I have noticed that occasionally, some bloggers post for the sake of it and they post too often and become repetitive and my mind drifts off. There’s a limit to my attention span. So I narrow the sites down to bloggers like you in the end. It seems like a good time, at the end of your first year, to say a heartfelt thanks for your efforts. My favourite post has to be the ‘ball gown’. Simply wonderful. Happy New Year ….. xx
Oh wow, Lyn. Your lovely comment has absolutely made my year xx. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to hear how much you enjoy my blog. I hope I can stay on track for the new year. Happy New Year to you!
Happy New Year Diane. I enjoyed your end of year round up. Well done in mastering the technology, it has been seamless (gettit?) from the beginning. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and about your projects. Love Suzy xx
Hehe, thanks, Suzy…yes…seamless is what I aimed for 😉 Thank you for the kind words xx
Diane I have signed up to the RTW which like you I’ve been pretty much doing last year too. I’ve used the V8685 pattern a couple of times but only using Ponte de Roma fabric. I like it in velvet you’ve given me an idea. I like your blogs but haven’t been brave enough to write my own. Perhaps 2018 is the year.
Thanks Julie, I’m so pleased to hear that you enjoy my blog. Ah yes that Vogue pattern is fab in ponte I’ll bet. You should definitely give it a go in velvet. How cool that you’re doing the RTW Fast too. I hope to catch you in the FB group 😊 Have a great New Year!
Happy new year Diane. So pleased to have met you earlier this year and that you have had a positive first year of blogging. Hope you achieve your list this year.
Thank you so much, Manju. You too x
Love the recap, Diane! You have achieved so much in 2017, and I’m looking forward to seeing all that 2018 holds for you. Great choice of pics too xx
Aww, thank you so much, Helen. Right back atcha! xxx
I look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous creations in 2018! I also joined the Goodbye Valentino RTW challenge, although I went RTW free during 2017. My resolution for 2017 was to increase my sewing skills and make, not buy, my own clothes. I am continuing that resolution into 2018, and adding that I am going to do more sewing from my stash and not keep buying more fabric. We’ll see how that goes, though, because I do love fabric 🙂
Ohh, thanks so much, Karie. Ooh, I’ll look out for you in RTW Fast. Did you join the FB group? It’s great fun on there. It sounds like you did really well in 2017 by not buying RTW. Well done! Look forward to hearing how you do in 2018. Good luck with the no buying of fabric though 😉 I’m afraid that’s a promise I could never keep!
I’m coming up to 4 years with my blog (eek! Where does time go?) and I still have issues with the technology that I don’t know how to fix. My most recent was lack of line wrapping making my blog unreadable. I started Instagram in 2017. I use FB for closed groups mainly and don’t use Twitter.
Your plans look good to me! Looking forward to reading about them.
Wow, 4 years. Well done! I’m on WordPress and so far have found it pretty user-friendly, thank goodness, because I had to Google what line wrapping was! I’m enjoying the FB groups that I’m in but also keep wondering about Twitter and whether I ought to make an account. Still undecided, but there’s only so much one person can manage eh? Otherwise it takes up too much time. Thanks for the kind words Anne